Cabarrus County Commissioner Candidates

Each candidate was asked the three following questions:

  1. Why did you decide to run for this office?
  2. What are your top 3 priorities for serving in this office?
  3. What experience/qualities make you a good choice for this office?
Click on each candidate’s picture or name to view their responses.

2 Seats Available – 4 Year Term

Candidate Responses

Laura Blackwell Lindsey

Why did you decide to run for this office?

All of my decisions are made by praying about them first. The Lord puts many people in my life that help guide my way through the craziness of politics. I know that He wants me to do this. So I just listen to what he puts on my heart and let Him handle the rest.

What are your top 3 priorities for serving in this office?
  1. To make sure that our citizens Constitutional rights are being upheld. During the pandemic there were many mandates that citizens of this county were subjected to that I would have fought against.

  2. To make sure that the county taxes are as low as possible so that citizens can have more of their own money in their own pockets.

  3. I want to increase community collaboration for the welfare of our children, elderly and indigent people by active DHS involvement. We have a growing homeless population of elderly and children. We need to work to find solutions.
What experience/qualities make you a good choice for this office?

I am currently serving my second term on the Cabarrus County Board of Education. During my time on the school board I have had the opportunity to gain an understanding of the budget process, working with legislators, giving a voice to parents, and standing up against illegal mandates. The reasons that I am running for County Commissioner are the same reasons that I ran for the Board of Education, to be a voice for the people. Trust and Transparency in all levels of government have come into question over the years. I will continue to be that voice for the people and make sure that they and their concerns are heard and brought to the forefront.

Ingrid Nurse

Why did you decide to run for this office?

I am a resident of Cabarrus County and I am really concerned about my community and how can I resonate with people’s concerns? I see the potential in my community and with proper leadership we can unify the Cabarrus County we know and love. Yes, I desire to serve my community.

What are your top 3 priorities for serving in this office?
  1. Education

  2. Affordable housing

  3. Elder Care

  4. Economic Development, Equity & Opportunity
What experience/qualities make you a good choice for this office?

I am passionate about uplifting our community. From my youth to present day, I have been an active part of the Cabarrus County Community with my passion for assisting others, registering voters, and volunteering in the community.

Larry Pittman

Why did you decide to run for this office?

Having failed to find a place to move back home to Craven County, I was approached by a number of Cabarrus County citizens who urged me to run for County Commissioner. I asked them repeatedly to find someone else, but they insisted they wanted me to run, and the number of people urging me to do so kept growing. Since they would not take no for an answer, and they had done nothing to get someone else to run by the last day of filing, I finally gave in and filed for the office, knowing that there was a great need to oust the current chairman and undo so much corruption in this county’s government.

What are your top 3 priorities for serving in this office?
  1. End the incentives program.
  2. Reduce the tax burden on our citizens.
  3. Clean up corruption, especially as it is expressed by wasteful and inappropriate spending by the County Commission.
What experience/qualities make you a good choice for this office?

I have had plenty of experience with budgeting, having served for over 40 years as a Pastor, and having served for 11 years on the Appropriations Committee and the Subcommittee on Government Appropriations in the NC House. I never forget that God is watching me at all times and hears what I say and even my thoughts. I cannot be bought, because Jesus did that a long time ago. I cannot be bribed, because nothing they could offer me is worth more than the best interests of our citizens and my own personal integrity. I cannot be intimidated, because even if they were to kill me, I will still be with Jesus. I cannot be controlled, because only the Holy Spirit gets to do that.

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